

Recensioni (12)

  • Yohan
    Testo tradotto automaticamente
    Très bonne soirée en mer en famille. Équipe sérieuse je recommande
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  • Elena
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    Fuimos a pasar el día y estuvimos súper a gusto. Nos lo pasamos genial! Súper recomendado!!
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  • Richard
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    Absolute perfect day for us and our friends. Would highly recommend this boat and skipper
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  • Sherina
    Testo tradotto automaticamente
    Questa gita in barca è stata il momento clou del nostro soggiorno ad Alicante. 1. Comunicazione efficiente, professionale 2. Buon rapporto qualità-prezzo 3. C'era un fenicottero galleggiante, una tavola d'acqua e attrezzatura per lo snorkeling 4. Buon impianto stereo e lo skipper (kevin) era fantastico e suonava la migliore musica Possono migliorare l'aggiornamento delle date disponibili su samboat e avere più acqua nella barca poiché è complementare
    This boat trip was the highlight of our stay in Alicante. 1. Efficient communication, professional 2. Good value for money 3. There was a floating flamingo, and water board, snorkeling gear 4. Good stereo system and the skipper ( kevin) was super cool and played the best music They can improve update their available dates at samboat, and have more water in the boat since its complementary
  • Nerea
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    Genial la experiencia! Kevin el patrón muy majo.
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  • Robert
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    Very good
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  • Patrick
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    Great days!!!!!
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  • Julio
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    El día fue estupendo, el viaje también, la organización fue muy bien y Jose el patron muy educado amable y profesional, disfrutamos de una jornada de navegación. Volveremos a repetir....
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  • Paco
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    Todo perfecto!! lo pasamos genial y Kevin (el patrón( fue muy amable!
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  • Denise
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    Everything was well organized, Ona and his team were friendly and helpful with our questions! :)
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  • Barbara
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    Muy bien. Jose un encanto.
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  • Alnair
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    El barco fenomenal y Luis un encanto!
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