

Sara and Dimitris will welcome you on board their traditional motorsailing boat. Sara is Italian, but at a certain point she changed her life completely, and now she lives in Crete and loves it. Dimitris is a Cretan and is in love with his island and its hidden gems and secrets. We love nature and the sea, and our house could only be near the sea. With our traditional motorsailing boat, we bring travellers to explore the Gulf of Mirabello and Spinalonga peninsula by the sea. We speak Italian, Greek, English, German, French, and Spanish and are happy to share suggestions and “secrets” about Crete with our guests.

Recensioni (3)

  • Laury
    Testo tradotto automaticamente
    La barca di Anny era un piccolo angolo di paradiso!! Grazie al capitano e al suo assistente per questo incredibile momento. Gentili, attenti e attenti ai nostri desideri, ci hanno fatto scoprire posti eccezionali e trascorso un momento indimenticabile!
    Le bateau Anny était un petit bout de Paradis!! Merci au capitaine et son adjoint pour ce moment incroyable. Gentils, attentionnés et à l'écoute de nos envies ils nous ont fait découvrir des endroits exceptionnels et nous avont passés un moment inoubliable!
  • Alex
    Testo tradotto automaticamente
    l'equipaggio è sull'attenti. Nikola è molto accomodante e ascolta i nostri desideri
    the crew is at attention. Nikola is very accommodating and listening to our desires
  • Jasper
    Testo tradotto automaticamente
    La nave era perfetta e il capitano ancora meglio. Ci ha mostrato tutte le cose belle che la Grecia aveva da offrire e ha tenuto conto dei nostri desideri! Grazie Nikolas e Greg per aver reso questa gita in barca indimenticabile per me e la mia famiglia!
    The ship was perfect and the captain even better. He showed us all the nice things Greece had to offer and took our wishes into account! Thanks Nikolas and Greg to make this boat trip unforgettable for my family and me!