Marinello Eden 18 - 2020

Proposta da Partner Pro - Super Proprietario - Risponde in ~4h

Marinello Eden 18 - 2020


Proposta da Partner Pro - Risponde in ~4h

5 pers.
40 cv
5,6 metri
Barca sola (senza skipper)

A proposito della CF Hope 2020, No driving license

La compagnia "Chic & Fabulous" noleggia questa meravigliosa imbarcazione per farti trascorrere divertenti giornate in compagnia della famiglia o degli amici. Questa piccola barca è dotata di un comodo prendisole a prua con cuscini, postazione di guida e una grande seduta di poppa per gli ospiti. A bordo avrete ogni tipo di comfort: stereo con bluetooth, presa usb, piccolo tavolo, doccia e una comoda scaletta per risalire dall'acqua. La ...

La compagnia "Chic & Fabulous" noleggia questa meravigliosa imbarcazione per farti trascorrere divertenti giornate in compagnia della famiglia o degli amici. Questa piccola barca è dotata di un comodo prendisole a prua con cuscini, postazione di guida e una grande seduta di poppa per gli ospiti. A bordo avrete ogni tipo di comfort: stereo con bluetooth, presa usb, piccolo tavolo, doccia e una comoda scaletta per risalire dall'acqua. La barca è motorizzata con un 40 cavalli quattro tempi. E' quindi noleggiabile anche da chi non è provvisto di patente nautica, basta essere maggiorenni. Con questa agile e comoda imbarcazione potrete andare alla scoperta dei luoghi più incatevoli della costiera amalfitana. Viste le dimensioni potrete anche esplorare grotte e avventurarvi dove altre barche non possono. Il prezzo di locazione esclude i costi aggiuntivi di cambusa, carburante ed eventuali ormeggi. Scrivetemi su SamBoat per avere maggiori informazioni su questo splendido Marinello!!


Condizioni di noleggio

Tipo di noleggio
Barca sola (senza skipper) Patente nautica non necessaria
Orari indicativi di inizio e fine noleggio:
09:30 / 17:30
(Gestito direttamente dal proprietario)
Condizioni di cancellazione
Non incluso


Tipo di barca
Barca a motore (Open)
Marinello - Eden 18
Anno di costruzione
Capacità a bordo
Lunghezza (m)
Larghezza (m)
Pescaggio (in metri)
40cv (1 motore) - 4 tempi
Gli animali sono i benvenuti a bordo
Altre partenze possibili

Adatta per

Escursione giornaliera





Internet e wi-fi
Zona prendisole

Tempo libero

Pinne, maschera e boccaglio



Valutazione complessiva da parte dei locatari

5.0 - 25 recensioni

Dettagli delle recensioni
Conformità dell'imbarcazione
Condizioni dell'imbarcazione
Comfort a bordo
Accoglienza e comunicazione
Rapporto qualità/prezzo
Foto dei precedenti locatari

Recensioni autentiche dei nostri locatari

Alex Catalin
Alex Catalin
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Everything was great, great communication, great service at pickup and dropoff, the boat was really nice, had all it needed for a great little trip on the sea in the beautiful Amalfi coast.
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Excellent service - boat was easy to use and we were well briefed. Helped us with taxi transfers too - all in all a great day!
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È tutto bellissimo.
Todo genial.
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Mia moglie ed io abbiamo noleggiato oggi una barca magnificamente ben tenuta da Francesca. Abbiamo avuto un'esperienza meravigliosa. La comunicazione è stata fantastica. Le indicazioni del luogo di incontro erano facilmente comprensibili e l'aiuto in banchina è stato molto utile per esaminare tutti i dettagli. Grazie Francesca per la nostra fantastica giornata fuori
My wife and I rented a beautifully well maintained boat from Francesca today. We had such a wonderful experience. Communication was great. Meeting place directions were easily understood and the on dock help was very helpful going through all the details. Thanks Francesca for our great day out
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Sorprendente. Grande piccola barca. Perfetto per la nostra giornata sull'acqua.
Amazing. Great little boat. Perfect for our day on the water.
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La nostra esperienza in barca ha superato le nostre aspettative! La barca stessa era nuova, ben attrezzata e un viaggio meraviglioso in tutta la Costiera Amalfitana. La comunicazione di Samboat è eccellente, il passaggio di consegne è stato professionale con buone informazioni condivise. Tutto sommato ha reso la nostra visita ad Amalfi super speciale. Grazie a tutti !
Our boat experience exceeded our expectations! The boat itself was new, well equipped and a wonderful ride all across the Amalfi coast. The communication of Samboat is excellent, the handover was professional with good information shared. All-round made our Amalfi visit super special. Thanks to all !
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Awesome experience! Boat is just as described. Very comfortable clean and new!
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Questo è stato il nostro momento clou della nostra vacanza. Grazie mille al team per aver reso questo giorno così speciale. Altamente raccomandato
This was our highlight of our holiday. Thank you so much to the team for making it such a special day. Highly recommend
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Très bien
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La prenotazione è andata bene e velocemente e Francesca ha fornito molte informazioni e prenotato il parcheggio per noi. La barca è stata facilmente trovata e Marco era lì per spiegarci la barca. È un ragazzo super gentile e ha fatto un lavoro fantastico. Abbiamo trascorso una giornata favolosa sull'acqua, non economica, ma una giornata che non dimenticheremo navigando lungo la Costiera Amalfitana e Capri.
The booking went smooth and quick and Francesca provided a lot of information and booked the parking for us. The boat was easily found and Marco was there to explain the boat to us. He is a super nice guy and did a fantastic job. We had a fabulous day on the water, not cheap, but a day we will not forget sailing along Amalficoast and Capri.
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La comunicazione con Francesca dall'inizio alla fine è stata eccellente: ha risposto rapidamente a tutte le mie domande e ha fornito informazioni chiare e utili. Il bis è fantastico: nuovo, pulito con tutto ciò di cui si potrebbe aver bisogno durante il giorno. Molto felice del viaggio che abbiamo fatto e lo consigliamo a tutti!
Communication with Francesca from the very beginning to the end was excellent: she answered all my questions rapidly and provided clear and helpful information. The bist is amazing: new, clean with everything one would need during the day. Very happy with the journey we made and recommend to everyone!
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Molto cordiale e competente! Siamo sempre stati in contatto, anche il nostro skipper Marco è stato molto disponibile e molto gentile. La barca era molto pulita, abbiamo trascorso una giornata meravigliosa in barca. Grazie mille
Sehr freundlich und kompetent ! Wir waren stets in Kontakt , unser Skipper Marco war auch sehr hilfsbereit und sehr nett . Das Boot war sehr sauber, wir hatten einen traumhaften Bootstag .. Vielen Dank
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Tout simplement Parfait !! Bateau impeccable, beaucoup de fonctionnalités. Les explications étaient parfaites ! Je recommande vivement !!
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We had an awesome day on the boat. The communication with Francesca was easy and she gave us very good tips. The boat itself was super nice, in very good condition and easy to navigate even without having any experience with driving a boat. Stop where you want, have a swim in the open sea and have the best views of the most beautiful coastline. Definitely recommend booking a boat with Francesca!
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Francesca was super responsive and nice, and the boat was AMAZING!! Can totally recommend.
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The boat was new this year and surprisingly fast! Exploring the coast was an incredible experience, as well as going for lunch and being brought in from an off-shore morning! Would highly recommend. As a guide - we used about €60 of fuel and were out all day, although going pretty slowly at times. Thanks to Francesca and Marco! If we come back to Amalfi Coast we would certainly use C&F again.
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Couldn’t ask for more from Francesca and Marco. Made everything extremely easy, very professional, boat was faultless. Look forward to seeing you both again!
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Had a great experience renting from Francesca! She was extremely helpful in directions to the marina, even sending along the ferry times to get from Amalfi to Maiori. The rental experience was flawless and we were provided a map of the coast with additional suggestions for restaurants and coves/beaches to check out. Would recommend to anyone spending a few days on the coast!
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Great experience and a must if you are at the Amalfi coast. The boat was perfect for this area. Thank you to Francesca and Marco for this unforgettable experience.
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Amazing boat, very easy to handle and extremely friendly owner. I would definitely rent a boat with Francesca again!
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It was a great time, everything was perfect! Thank you very much!!
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I rented CF Hope with a friend for the whole day. The Service was very good, the boat was in very good shape and even for me without any experience driving a boat we had an awesome day. I would recommend everyone to rent a boat for one day when staying at the Amalfi coast, it is worth it.
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Perfect day. Very nice Service from CF.
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Excellent experience, one the best things to do around Amalfi coast. Great idea for a couple or family. Francesca was extremely caring and helpful, she even suggested to change the booking dates due to suboptimal weather conditions. Boat was easy to manipulate even without any experience. Spend a wonderful day along amalfi coast and capri. Would highly recommend:)
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My wife and me rented the 5,55 m, 40 HP "Marinello - Eden 18" boat from Francesca through SamBoat for on day. It was located in Maiori harbour and for us the perfect location to explore the whole Amalficoast inclusive of Capri in one day! The boat (one year old) was in immaculate conditions, is very easy to navigate (you don´t need a motorboat license!) has a lot of space for sunbathing, even if you would rent the boat with 6 people! There is a bluetooth radio on board, so you can listen to your own music through spotify i.e. if you want to. There is even a fresh water shower and they provide two snorkel masks, so it is a big fun to have swim stops in the clear blue sea. The boat rental is from 10 to 5 pm, which is comfortable enough to explore the whole coast (the boat runs appr. 24 knots!), to have a nice 90 minutes lunch stop at Nerano, ship around Capri and some swim stops. Weather was perfect on September 9th, so we had such a wonderful day on the sea. You do not need any guide for the trip! So we appreciated this private trip much more than booking one of the mass group tours that are offered all around the coast. Fuel consumption was 75 l a. 2,00 € for a whole day mostly driving, so take in account this 150 € extra charge for fuel. The service and communication through SamBoat was easygoing, secure regarding the payment and the insurance cover, which was included in the price. You will not need to pay 40 € for an extra insurance, that covers the excess, as the deposit is only 200 € and the offered insurance pays only for damages from 200 € onwards. Even the communication with the owner Francesca was so much welcoming! She answered every question immediately, sent me a video where to park our car directly under the marina for just 2 € per hour and has a nice guy, Marco, who gave us the instructions and to anchor the boat safely after return. The most comfortable service was that you don´t have to fill up the fuel by yourself, which would have incured significant time lost in you rental. Marco did it by himself after the return. To sum up, SamBoat and Francescas Marinello are very reliable and thoroughly recommendable, even to my best friends! So thanks a lot for this wonderful day.
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Dove si trova la barca?

A proposito del proprietario, Partner Pro
Partner Pro
Super Proprietario
Iscritto dal 2018
Visualizza tutte le barche di questo professionista
Tasso di risposta: 100 %
Tempo di risposta: entro 4 ore
Lingue parlate: Italiano
/ giorno
Annullamento gratuito